Saturday, June 21, 2014

Summertime Trivet and Coaster Set

I have had this idea in my head for awhile now. I made this set on my embroidery machine from a download from Embroidery Library. I get most of my designs there. They have fabulous deals quite often. Wouldn't this look great under a pitcher of ice cold lemonade and the coasters under frosty glasses of sweet, tart goodness. Or even better yet under a pitcher of Margaritas. Either one is a great way to usher in the First Day of SUMMER!!! I made the box on my Silhouette Cameo. And the cute little graphics were printed off on my printer and cut with my Cameo. Gosh I love technology. It is truly amazing what one can do these days. It really is true, "If you can dream it, you can do it". Hope you like.

Sunday, June 15, 2014

More strawberry jam

So remember I said that I had some berry's that I needed to deal with otherwise they were going to go bad. Well, I prepped them this AM and at 5:00 tonight I started making jam and by 6:10 I had 4 -8 oz jars of beautiful Strawberry Jam. Unbelievable. There is no learning curve to either of these Fresh Tech machines. They are so easy to operate and they are very intuitive. So while I was making jam, I was also embroidering my gift for the Handmade swap. I even designed and made a gift box to package it in. I'll show you that when my gift is totally complete. Here is a picture of the actual canning machine. This little appliance and I are going to be best friends this summer. Especially since it takes so little time to can up a few jars, LOVE it!!

My Most recent project

So my Freshtech canning machine came. I have not used it yet, though today might be the day. I have some strawberry fresh from the field that I really must do something with today or they will be past their prime. So stay tuned for that.... I have been working on a gift for my Stepdaughter Natalie's birthday. I have made a decision to give handmade items for gifts when ever possible. they have so much more meaning and since I have so many gadgets to help me create It seems like a great idea. It seems like there is more appreciation for handmade articles these days. So here is the pillow I made for her.

Here is a close up of the detail
Natalie is into dragonfly's and her favorite color is purple. Hope she likes it. Here is how I am packaging the gift

I made the embellishments with my Silhouette Cameo and my Cricut Explore machine.

Here is a closeup of the rosette detail on the bag.

So that's what I've been up to. Projects that I need to get started ASAP include one for my Daughter in law, Chelyse's her Birthday is July 2 and I am participating in a Handmade Swap. I drew a lady from the South who does paper crafting and I think I will do some sewing project to send her. I've got to get that in the mail by July 1 and Chelyse's Birthday is July 2. I've got to get a move on!!!!