Friday, August 22, 2014

More Baby Love

I've been busy while on staycation!! Two new baby's in my family. Well actually one is yet to be born but when sweet Olivia is born I am going to gift her mom Audri, my niece these pieces made from the heart. I absolutely love these. Can I say that..yeah, I can and I just did. Hehe. The idea for the little drawstring bags was gleened from Pinterest. This is my spin on it. The contents include a couple of diapers, some baby wipes, baby powder, diaper toss bags, hand sanitizer. Everything the Mom needs for a quick change. The idea is to keep these filled with the mentioned contents ready to pop in your purse. When the busy Mom needs to go out for just a jiffy these can be used instead of taking along the big diaper bag. The other articles of goodness in the picture are the burp cloths that are mentioned in the post below.

Introducing Penelope Reese Barton

Penelope was born in late July, the daughter of our Grandson Justin. Sooooo, yes, she is my Great Granddaughter. YIKERS!!!!!

Saturday, August 16, 2014

For sweet baby Penelope.

My grandson's wife gave birth to a darling Baby Girl in late July. Her sweet name is Penelope Reese. I just finished making her some cute little pink things. I am not sure what it is but lately I have really been drawn to pink...weird, because my favorite color has always been black. Of course a sweet baby girl has to have pink!! All but the onsie are in the hoop embroidery designs from Five Star Fonts. I love making ITH projects. They are addicting. These stitched out well and had great instructions with pictures. I have purchased several items from FSF and will most likely have to buy more. (You know how it is... I know you do). ;-) So pictured below is a burp cloth, a diaper wipes case, a bib all done in the hoop and a little onsie that I used Heat Transfer vinyl on. Cut the cupcake out with my Silhouette. Hope you enjoy.